All-Inclusive Trips – Only if it’s a Money Saving Bargain
All-Inclusive Trips Does an All-Inclusive trip sounds like a dream . . . or a nightmare? Preface – THIS IS MY OPINION I’ve been to several All-Inclusive hotels and I...
The World Is Waiting For You
All-Inclusive Trips Does an All-Inclusive trip sounds like a dream . . . or a nightmare? Preface – THIS IS MY OPINION I’ve been to several All-Inclusive hotels and I...
About Airplane Travel I’m a flight attendant so I know a lot about airplane travel. NOTE: I readily admit I know nothing about buying tickets. I’m also not going to...
Cruising! We’ve finally made it to one of my favorite topics. Cruising and cruise ships! Most people are firmly on one side of the other . . . cruises are...
Souvenirs At my house we have The Tale of Two Travelers. One of us (Alex) LOVES gift shops and collects everything. One of us (me) is a more specific souvenir...
Organized Tours There are times that organized tours are good. There are also times that organized tours are a big pain in the butt. I prefer to plan, travel and...
This post is still being polished and shined, but it’s worth the wait. Check back soon for great travel tips.
East or West, Crossing the Pond is Exciting You’re ready! You’re finally ready! Can you believe it? I don’t care who you are, Crossing the Pond is an enormous accomplishment!...
First International Destination Your passport is in your hand . . . or at least it’s on its way. Now it’s time to plan your first International Destination, which is...
It’s Time to Get Your Passport You’ve Explored Your Backyard, Toured Locally and taken a Road Trip to an interesting site near home. You spent a Long Weekend in an...
America is Amazing You’ve learned good travel habits by Exploring Your Backyard, Exploring Locally, and we’ve experienced an Epic Weekend Adventure. We’ve also taken a flight for a Long Weekend...
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